Happy Body Asheville

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Happy New Year! Join us in January for a focus on "Awareness"!

Welcoming the New Year with an intention to widen and create space for curiosity and transformation...

Recently in a class with Bob Lehnberg, a fabulous somatic educator, he said, “With this exercise, we are strengthening the tone of letting go.” In an instant my whole perception of letting go transformed. Instead of thinking of letting go as resignation and complete surrender, in which I might become a puddle on the floor and lose all capacity to hold anything together, I began to understand that there is a tone and strength in the capacity to release. This ability to release then allows space for the new curiosities,  transformations, and evolvement to occur with ease.

We live in a culture in which we are affirmed for building tone of strength and stability, and this is perceived as a higher tone...building muscle tone, building stamina by working more and taking on more responsibilities, building more energy by taking supplements and the newest healthy brain food, building emotional strength by continually pulling up our bootstraps. That's a lot of work! We are seen as weak or not strong enough to handle the stress of life when we choose to rest, indulge in a good book, or meander through the woods. However, for balance and sustainability of our bodies, minds, and spirits, these elements of building the tone of letting go, of softening, and of creating space are essential. The health of our system depends on the ability to increase and decrease our overall tone which is how we stay resilient.

As we reflect on the last year, there can be a tendency to judge and criticize our past patterns and vow to change them in the new year. Maybe a different approach in the new year could be less about adding new “shoulds” to the list, and more about what might be released in order to bring the new, more embodied, and happiest you into fullness.

The Happy Body family is excited to begin a new year with you. We are in process of widening our perspective to create the freshest, most innovative, and balanced offerings of fitness and wellness to you. Meanwhile, we are giddy with excitement for all the newness bubbling up for 2019. Watch for new instructors, new classes, and new techniques to help you balance the tone of stability with the tone of release, to create strength in all areas of health.

Here’s setting the intention for you to create your best self this year. We are grateful to be on the journey with you!




Our studio is kicking off 2019 with new themes each month to inspire, educate, and illuminate concepts and ideas that are central to the work we all do together and with ourselves. Stay tuned this year for weekend workshops that dive deeper into our understanding of these themes and expands our perceptions of what "fitness" and "wellness" means to each one of us.

Upcoming January Workshops

Saturday, 1/19, 2-3:30pm
Intro to Pilates - Beginner Workshop 

with Beth 

Saturday, 1/26, 2-3:30pm
Yoga for the Nervous System

with Alex

Saturday, 1/19, 2-5pm
Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy®

with Jessica