Bodywork updates


We are excited to add Charlotte to the crew


Charlotte grew up in the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and has called the Asheville area home for 15 years. She loves waterfalls, trees, flowers, and learning from the world around her. Charlotte is a licensed bodyworker, certified Reiki II, and holds an MA in Transpersonal Ecopsychology (loose translation: the study of the self at home/the home of the self, beyond the mask). Most recently she completed a course in Distance CranioSacral Integration through the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy, London, and continues to find this modality fascinating, deeply settling, and helpful for physical and psycho-emotional centering. Charlotte’s sessions are focused on relaxation, comfort, listening, and calming the central nervous system, using an integration of Swedish massage, Trigger Point, Cranial Sacral therapy, and Reiki.

Sound like exactly what you need?  Give us a call to book a 60, 90, or 120-minute session, or email us!


Sarah is now an Advanced Practitioner of

We're so thrilled that Sarah has completed a huge milestone in her Ortho-Bionomy journey! Way to go, Sarah! She's open to receiving new clients and continuing to share her ever-unfolding understanding of Ortho-Bionomy.

Richard Mark