Happy Body Asheville

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We are Leveling Up!

You talked, and we listened!
You’ve let us know that you want more challenge and strength building, while continuing to receive the highest quality movement instruction. So we’ve decided to do something about it!

Beginning August 1, our classes are leveling UP! We’re shaking up our old patterns and bringing in more zest and challenge to your workouts. All of our classes are going to be refined to clarify their content and difficulty level. Expect to see more jumpboard and added props to classes, new advanced classes, and more cardio challenge within classes. Below is a description of what you can look forward to.

As always, we are dedicated to meeting your movement and wellness needs through education, modifications, and support. Classes are designed to help empower you to own your own workout. When needing some extra attention, more therapeutic approaches to movement, or recovering from injuries, the best option is a private or duo session where we can meet your specific issues.

Right now we have four categories of classes. Here is a description for each kind.
As a reminder, we recommend at least two private sessions or permission of the instructor to enter a class. 

Advanced Reformer

  • Few movement limitations or injuries. 

  • Ability to kneel, flex and extend the spine, get down to the floor, and put weight on hands. 

  • Pacing of class is faster and techniques can be more challenging. 

  • Ability of the student to modify exercises as needed for their own comfort and safety. Private sessions are the best way to know how to do this for your specific issues. 


  • For beginner and intermediate levels. We will work with individual movement limitations and injuries. 

  • Moderate pacing of exercises. 

  • Layering of difficulty levels throughout class. Ability to work at your own pace. 

Reformer with Props

  • Same as Reformer, but utilizing different props each week. 

Springboard Tower and Combo Classes

  • Same as Reformer, but added equipment with the Springboard.

Questions? Send us an email or check in with the front desk!

What does this mean to you?

If you have any concerns, talk to your instructor directly for more clarification. We feel confident that these changes will fit the majority of current client class routines and have kept our clients in mind with class shifts. We are looking forward to bringing some more challenge and energy into the classes you enjoy!